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Karen Byrum Director
Women’s Program

Randy Harrott, Director
Men’s Program

Office 936-646-2459
St. Andrew’s Liaison: Judy Bristol

Location: Onalaska, TX

Helping Individuals Recover from Addiction

Twelfth Traditions has halfway houses for women and men recovering from alcohol and/or drug addictions.

This ministry has been helping women in the southwest Texas region for over twenty years. Both programs help residents become self-sufficient following a 12-step recovery program in a structured home-like environment.

To hear amazing stories of people leaving prison and being welcomed into Twelfth Traditions, contact Sue McLeod or Judy Bristol.

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How Covid-19 has affected those we serve, and how God has used it to create new opportunities.

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Our relationship with St. Andrew’s.

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One story about how we have changed a life.

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Prayer and other needs...What can I do? Opportunities to come alongside and help.