Online Giving

Click here for the Estimate of Giving Page

Gifts to the Operating Budget provide the resources needed to carry out our various ministry activities, pay our staff,  and maintain our building.  In addition, St. Andrew’s takes missions very seriously. We “tithe” approximately 14% of our operating budget to support our external ministry partners both here in Houston and throughout the world. (see our Missions page for more information). Such contributions also, either directly or indirectly, support the work of our branch ministries, such as the Children’s Place Day School and the School of Fine Arts (SOFA).

The amount that each person or household contributes is a personal decision between them and God. All donors will receive a statement in the mail at the end of each calendar quarter showing all their giving for that year. Donations towards the operating budget of St. Andrew’s can be made on a recurring or a one-time basis, and by any one of several options including cash or in-kind gifts.

  1. Personal Bank “Bill” Payment option through your personal bank’s online banking website. St. Andrew’s prefers for members who give regularly set up a recurring (e.g., weekly, monthly, quarterly) payment. This allows us to have a consistent source of funds even during the lean holiday and summer months when many of our members are out of town. With such recurring contributions, you may change the amount of the payment or cancel it altogether at any time.
  2. ShelbyNext secure, online giving: one-time or recurring payments (click the X icon on this page).
  3. Checks or cash may be placed in the offering plate, delivered to the church office, or mailed to:

Maria S. Ibarra, St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, 5308 Buffalo Speedway, Houston, TX 77005

(Please do not mail cash)

St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church is a recognized charitable 501(c)(3) organization under the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. Your contributions may be tax deductible. Please consult your Tax advisor for further information.