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SACP Director
Claire is the Director of Children’s Place. She holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in education from Texas AM University and has over 20 years of experience teaching children across a variety of ages. Claire also holds a Master's degree in Education with an emphasis in Applied Behavior Analysis and is a Board Certified and Licensed Behavior Analyst in the State of Texas. Claire grew up overseas and loves to travel with her husband, Tony, and their two teenage daughters Annie and Lily. Claire's passion is early childhood and works hard to make St. Andrew’s a loving and inclusive community.
Office Administrator and Registrar
Minerva has been a steadfast member of the St. Andrew's team since 2007. She started off as a teacher and worked in many different classrooms in our school. Minerva holds an Associates Degree in Early Childhood from HCC. Minerva serves as our school's registrar, office administrator, and is also our parent volunteer coordinator. Minerva loves all things Disney and Harry Potter and her early childhood passion is sensory play and encouraging teachers to use process art in the classroom.