Explorers: 2 Year Olds
Honeybees & Bunnies
Class Information
- Explorers must be 2 by September 1st
- 6:1 child/teacher ratio
Our Caterpillar & Honeybee teachers provide an environment where children can truly explore their world. Our school has developed curriculum based on developmentally appropriate recommendations from industry experts. The curriculum has been designed expressly for children from infancy through the first year of life. This curriculum utilizes a variety of learning styles that aide in the social, emotional, educational and physical development of your child.
Main Learning Areas:
- Sense of Self and Responsibility
- Prosocial Behavior
- Gross Motor & Fine Motor Skills
- Learning and Problem Solving
- Logical thinking
- Math Skills
- Representation and Symbolic Thinking
- Language Development (listening & speaking)
Curriculum Goals and Objectives for Ages 2-3 Years